Uniting tech communities.
COVID-19 Update: Events are now online-only. Website migration also in progress, so please bear with us. Stay safe, everyone!
An international nonprofit that has brought thousands together in cities around the world.
Attended HackerNest
Cities hosted
For over a decade, our mission of uniting tech and developer communities predicated projects, initiatives, and unpretentious, laid-back events to support our ever-changing ecosystem. Actual event feedback and typical guest experiences:
“Found a job”
“Met my co-founder”
“Got help on my security assignment”
“Met some of my best friends in the industry”
“Got a job! Went on the slide at the Masonic temple!”
“Met unpretentious people who genuinely love what they do”
“It was amazing! Learned a lot from people, and everyone is super friendly!”
Get in touch: sponsor@hackernest.com
We currently have capacity for producing a limited set of events. Let’s discuss ways to engage. Our events have simple gives & gets and generally need 4-6 weeks to plan and produce. Hackathon-production advisory & coaching is bespoke and is thus ad-hoc based on client needs and our availability.

Public tech and developer events bringing like-minded people in the community together.
Tech community engagement to develop connections and friendships with smart, pleasant tech nerds. General or skill-/experience- themed Tech Socials, SpeedMeets, career expos, mentor/cofounder matching, local, regional and international/global events, custom Elite Meets, all our down-to-earth gatherings vibe like this: HackerNest feels like coming home. These wholesome, community-centric events have common lineage - smart, nice people, passionate about supportive communities, and respectful - all connecting the ‘actual’ tech & developer community by bringing people together.
The vibe
This video highlights the notoriously down-to-earth, relaxed atmosphere that we’ve been cultivating for years at all our events.
The people
H4ck3rs. Hacks. Designerds. Data scienticians. Hardware engineerds. Developers. Venture ¢apitalist$ & communists. Entreprenerds. Killer robots. Cloud architects. Writers. Machine learning cyborgs. Artificially intelligent product managers.

Veteran producer of large, high-stakes public-facing hackathons and innovation events.
We’ve crafted many high-engagement, visible events centered around specific themes and have written lots on the cause & effect when they are thoughtfully planned and well-run. Public ones can throw light on the world’s largest issues and problems - sustainable fisheries & oceans, dementia, Alzheimer’s, access to justice, LGBTQI equality, accessibility, and others - that participating teams poke & prod at, seeking pathways to solutions. Realistic end-of-hackathon expectations should prevail: To unveil smart & creative team-oriented technologists, bring passionate people in relatable communities together to tackle problems at high levels of intensity, yielding recognition and understanding of challenges, and real ‘first stabs’ at innovation mechanics inherent in potential solutions. Everyone should produce better hackathons.
“The British Consulate-General in Toronto has collaborated on a number of high-impact tech events and campaigns with HackerNest. Their tech, social science, and community savvy, coupled with their global platform, enabled the British Government to deliver innovative outcomes in dementia research and cooperation between Toronto, London, and other global cities.”
— Kevin McGurgan, OBE; British Consul-General Toronto, UK Government
Epic projects. Some of the world’s biggest and coolest brands. Dozens of cities.
Cause hackathons, internal innovation exercises, tech career events, large recruiting expos, curated talent events, brainstorming, restructuring, roundtables, councils, research, focus groups - we’ve done the spread and it’s all been fun. We’re grateful to have worked with Facebook, Amazon, Deloitte, Dove, Cisco, RBC, Tangerine, CAPCO, PwC, Grindr, the UK, US, and Canadian governments, the White House and dozens of embassies & consulates, the National Center for State Courts, law firms, and so many others.

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