COVID-19 Update: Events are now online-only. Stay safe, everyone!

HackerNest: global nonprofit connecting tech nerds

We offer:
1. Tech Socials & recruiting events
2. Elite Meets (custom, curated events)
3. Hackathon consulting services

Coming up next


Global Tech Social

Online Saturday, November 14, 2pm EST

(Sunday for folks in other time zones)
Don’t miss our last big event of 2020! We’re gathering techies from our communities around the world. Group video chats, 1-on-1 auto networking, expo booths. Meet friendly nerds who actually get you; developers, designers, marketers, data-whizzes, founders, and more.

1. Tech Socials: Meet Your Community

Make friends with smart, pleasant tech nerds. Easy.

Supportive Community

Pleasant tech & non-tech folk from all walks are welcome. We attract genuinely friendly people who get you. Remember what it's like to be human after 10+ hours of LCD tanning! Strict no-dirtbag policy.

Learn By Connecting

Advice. Guidance. Best practices. Get problem solving help from technologists (84.5%). We’ve tons of experts: 66.8% have 4+ years experience! 91% are employed, so get advice, intros, whatever.

Startup Solidarity

Hang with entrepreneurs, cofounders, ambitious startups, and growing empires with similar goals: validation, customers, recruiting, feedback, partnerships, etc.

The vibe: This video highlights the notoriously down-to-earth, relaxed atmosphere at all our events.

The people: H4ck3rs. Hacks. Designerds. Data scienticians. Hardware engineerds. Developers. Venture ¢apitalist$ & communists. Entreprenerds. Killer robots. Cloud architects. Writers. Machine learning cyborgs. Artificially intelligent product managers.

Actual feedback & typical member experiences:

“Found a job”
“Met my co-founder”
“Got help on my security assignment”
“Met some of my best friends in the industry”
“Got a job! Went on the slide at the Masonic temple!”
“Met unpretentious people who genuinely love what they do”
“It was amazing! Learned a lot from people, and everyone is super friendly!”

2. Elite Meets: Invite-Only Custom Events

An exclusive sponsor (you) hand-picks guests from our applicants. Engage with elite professionals in a casual, low-pressure setting perfect for shared learning. (…and hiring!)

  • merit-based selection removes bias

  • don’t proceed without a minimum viable guest list

  • focused conversations with specific, targeted professionals

  • evaluate multiple dimensions of communication

  • uncover previously unreachable talent for tech & non-tech roles

  • build strong relationships in weeks, not months

Plan >>

Together, we define who you need and plan the engagement

Promote >>

We advertise the call for applications to audience

Pick >>

You review our applicant shortlist and pick ideal guests

Produce >>

We run the event: everyone chats, connects, bonds, and wins

3. Hackathon Consulting

Hackathons should be amazing. They should be effective and impactful and built with care and consideration. Sadly, most aren’t. Most are terrible.

That’s why we’re committed to sharing and helping everyone produce better hackathons. We consult, train, and coach new and experienced hackathon producers and teams to reach higher paradigms of badassery. We won’t produce your event, but we can help you make sure it’s awesome.

“The British Consulate-General in Toronto has collaborated on a number of high-impact tech events and campaigns with HackerNest. Their tech, social science, and community savvy, coupled with their global platform, enabled the British Government to deliver innovative outcomes in dementia research and cooperation between Toronto, London, and other global cities.  ”

— Kevin McGurgan, OBE; British Consul-General Toronto, UK Government


We’ve produced epic projects with some of the world’s biggest and coolest brands over the past decade. It’s been fun.

Facebook, Amazon, Deloitte, Dove, Grindr, the UK, US, and Canadian governments, the White House and dozens of embassies, the National Center for State Courts, law firms, and so many others.

Chances are, we can help you, too. Get in touch to see how we can work together. Please email us at


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Get in touch.

Let’s discuss ways you can engage with our community!

Public-facing Tech Socials and recruiting events are easily sponsorable.

Custom events like invite-only Elite Meets need 4-6 weeks to plan and execute.

Hackathon consulting is bespoke and based on client needs and our availability.